How do I plant my tulip bulbs in the garden?Updated 15 days ago
Using a shovel, dig a hole about 6-12 inches deep to allow for drainage. If you have a bulb planter in your toolshed, grab it, but keep in mind that it can be a tedious process if you have more than one to two dozen bulbs to plant.
For a dramatic effect come spring, plant your bulbs about an inch apart. We love to see clusters of tulips all together, and recommend groupings of 10 to 20 bulbs planted in a circle shape or cluster.
Place your bulbs pointed side up, nested like eggs in a carton. Cover with the soil you removed and add in some aged compost if desired. Water them deeply and continue to water weekly or bi-weekly unless you have rain.
Find Felicia's favorite tulip bulb planting supplies on our website and on Felicia’s ShopMy page!