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I need advice on growing and caring for my potted rose.Updated 8 months ago

Due to the large volume of inquiries we receive, we are unable to provide personalized rose care recommendations, however we have a number of great resources for you to learn more about selecting and caring for your roses:

  1. Head over to the Growing Wonder blog to find Felicia's best tips for all things roses.
  2. Released in 2022, Felicia's book Growing Wonder: A Farmer's Guide to Growing Roses offers a wealth of information on growing and caring for roses.
  3. If you would like more information on growing, tips, and tricks, we highly recommend joining The Menagerie Academy, our online learning community. There are two different levels of membership filled with information for all learning levels! Each week, all levels of membership have the opportunity to submit questions directly to Felicia for her to answer in her weekly Q & A session. 
  4. We also host workshops at the farm which include educational training and tours of the farm. You can view all of our seasonal workshops & events and purchase tickets on our website.
  5. If you’re interested in a more personalized education you can schedule a virtual or on-farm 1:1 Consultation Session/Tour with Felicia. To learn more and schedule your session click here.
  6. We invite you to follow along our farm journey on Instagram (@menagerieflower) and Facebook where we post information about our varieties and helpful tips about our roses, flowers, fruits and farm products. There, you can submit questions for Felicia to answer during her weekly Farm Tour Friday series. You can also watch past episodes all archived in her Instagram Video Series.
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