Can I amend the soil when planting my bare root rose?Updated a month ago
Yes, you can mix 1/3 high-quality compost with 2/3 native soil if you'd like, but planting in native soil alone works just fine.
For an extra boost, we recommend sprinkling the roots of bare root roses with mycorrhizae fungi before planting. Use about 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per plant, following the directions on your chosen mycorrhizae product. While not essential, this step helps promote healthy root growth. Our favorite is Wildroot Organic Mycorrhizal Fungi Concentrate.
Avoid adding synthetic fertilizers or insect control products to the planting hole, as this can harm your rose and void our 30-Day Rose Guarantee. DO NOT apply any rose fertilizer until you see your first set of leaves push out. Give your bare root rose time to get established before adding anything extra to the soil.