What are the planting and care instructions for my bare root rose?
For step-by-step planting and care instructions, check out our blog posts:.
For step-by-step planting and care instructions, check out our blog posts:.
Bare root roses are planted during your dormant season, before warm spring temperatures take hold. This strategic timing allows your roses to establish their root systems ahead of the growing season. But how do you figure out the right window for pla
Here's a quick guide to Felicia's recommended bare root rose planting windows by zone:. Zones 9-13: January to Late February. Zone 8: Mid to Late February. Zone 7: Early to Mid March. Zone 6: Mid to Late March. Zones 4-5: Early to Mid April. Zone 3:
Felicia has shared her top recommendations for rose growing tools here on our blog. These are her go-to tools for making rose gardening easier and more enjoyable, especially for beginners. You can also find many of her favorite tools and supplies in
Planting bare root roses can be a rewarding experience, but to ensure a healthy and thriving plant, it’s important to avoid some common pitfalls. Here’s a simple guide to help you steer clear of mistakes and set your roses up for success!. Improper S
Choose a planting site that has 6 hours of direct sunlight every day. For varieties that thrive in shade, check out our Shady Garden Greats collection.
Yes! The journey to thriving roses begins with a soil test! I highly recommend testing your soil before planting to learn how to amend your soil with the ideal elements for your location. Already planted your roses? It’s never too late for a soil tes
Yes! All roses can be planted in a pot. Many of my favorite roses are on display in pots and containers of all sizes here on the farm. They add beautiful décor and elegance to the landscape around our home. Pots are a great way to test out a location
Be sure to select a pot that has a drainage hole in the bottom. If it doesn’t have a hole, depending on the material, you can drill three to four holes in with a 3/4- inch drill bit. Your pot also needs to be in a location where it can drain easily s
Yes, you should always trim your bare root rose before planting to ensure healthy growth. Minor root and cane breakage is common and won’t harm the health of your rose. Simply remove any broken canes or roots, and make your cuts 1/4" above a bud.
Yes, fill a bucket or tub with water and soak the roots for 12-24 hours. This helps to rehydrate the roots and prepare them for planting.
We recommend soaking bare root roses after being stored, just prior to planting. Fill a bucket or tub with water and soak the roots of the rose for 12-24 hours to rehydrate the roots of the rose and prepare it for planting.
Dig a hole that is 12-18 inches deep and wide, depending on the size of the rose’s root structure.
You can absolutely plant bare roots in the rain, as long as you're not doing a lot of trimming which would create open wounds. It's a great time to plant because the rain provides natural water for the rose and helps the ground to settle.
Yes, you can mix 1/3 high-quality compost with 2/3 native soil if you'd like, but planting in native soil alone works just fine. For an extra boost, we recommend sprinkling the roots of bare root roses with mycorrhizae fungi before planting. Use abou
As a general rule, we recommend a 3-foot plant spacing in any growing zone. This spacing allows your plants to receive good airflow and allows you to clip blooms efficiently. However, garden roses can be planted 2-4 feet apart depending on the variet
The right spot can make all the difference in helping your roses flourish, so it's worth taking the time to plan carefully. First and foremost, roses love the sun! Look for a location that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. While some