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Planting & Care

What are the planting and care instructions for my bare root rose?

For step-by-step planting and care instructions, check out our blog posts:

What are Felicia's favorite tools and supplies for growing bare root roses?

Please find Felicia's recommended rose growing tools here. Many of our favorite tools and supplies are available for purchase in the Garden + Home section of our website or on Felicia's Amazon Storefront - CLICK HERE to shop.

How can I ensure success with my bare root rose?

In order to ensure success in growing your rose, we ask you to please follow our recommended planting and storage instructions included with every order and detailed here. We offer several options for rose-growing education here at Menagerie. To lear

I need advice on bare root rose growing and care.

Due to the large volume of questions we receive in our inbox, we are unable to make personalized recommendations for each customer; however, we have a number of great resources for you to learn more about selecting and caring for your roses. 1. Head

How much sunlight do bare root roses need?

Choose a planting site that has 6 hours of direct sunlight every day. For varieties that thrive in shade, check out our Shady Garden Greats collection.

Should I test my soil prior to planting?

Yes! The journey to thriving roses begins with a soil test! I highly recommend testing your soil before planting to learn how to amend your soil with the ideal elements for your location. Already planted your roses? It’s never too late for a soil tes

What is the proper spacing for bare root roses?

As a general rule, we recommend a 3-foot plant spacing in any growing zone. This spacing allows your plants to receive good airflow and allows you to clip blooms efficiently. However, garden roses can be planted 2-4 feet apart depending on the variet

Can I plant my bare root rose in a pot?

Yes! All roses can be planted in a pot. Many of my favorite roses are on display in pots and containers of all sizes here on the farm. They add beautiful décor and elegance to the landscape around our home. Pots are a great way to test out a location

How do I choose a pot or container for my bare root rose?

Be sure to select a pot that has a drainage hole in the bottom. If it doesn’t have a hole, depending on the material, you can drill three to four holes in with a 3/4- inch drill bit. Your pot also needs to be in a location where it can drain easily s

Should I soak my bare roots before or after heeling in?

We recommend soaking bare root roses after being stored, just prior to planting. Fill a bucket or tub with water and soak the roots of the rose for 12-24 hours to rehydrate the roots of the rose and prepare it for planting.

Can I plant my bare root rose in the rain?

You can absolutely plant bare roots in the rain, as long as you're not doing a lot of trimming which would create open wounds. It's a great time to plant because the rain provides natural water for the rose and helps the ground to settle.

How much should I water my bare root rose?

Water your newly planted bare root roses daily for a minimum of 1-2 weeks with overhead water to keep the canes and roots hydrated as it’s getting established. You can skip this step if you get a lot of rain in your area but if you aren't you need to

Should I fertilize my bare root rose?

DO NOT apply any rose fertilizer until you see your first set of leaves push out. Give your bare root rose time to get established before adding anything extra to the soil. Once the first full sets of leaves appear, feed your rose with a balanced ros

I'm expecting cold temperatures. Do I need to protect my roses?

Roses are quite resilient plants and need protection only if you expect a hard freeze (temperatures below 28) for an extended period of time. To protect your roses, we recommend covering the plants with a 5-gallon bucket, large rubbermaid tub, or a f

My rose has red feather-like growth coming out of the canes. Is this normal?

This is completely normal new growth and nothing to worry about on your plant. It's a sign that your rose is healthy and ready to thrive!. The growth at the bottom of the plant is known as basal breaks or new cane growth. These new shoots will develo

My blooms looks different from your website photos. Did I receive the wrong variety?

Keep in mind that bare root roses are young plants, typically about a year and a half to two and a half years old. It’s totally normal for bare root roses to have smaller blooms and shorter stems in their first year while they’re getting established

Why is one of my roses progressing differently than others in my garden?

It’s important to remember that bare root roses are living things just like you and me, and each one is different! It is completely normal for roses to progress at a different pace, even under the exact same growing conditions. Some varieties will le

Why are the ends of my canes turning black/brown?

Blackening or browning canes is a sign of dieback, and will continue to travel down the cane if not trimmed. Roses use their energy to continuously produce new stems and blooms, and may kill off a portion of the plant that isn’t benefitting the entir

What's wrong with my bare root rose?

Please review our refund policy here and visit our Returns Center to start a return/exchange request.

Is my bare root rose dead?

Trim down the canes of your rose until you see green growth in the center. If there is still green in the middle then the rose isn't dead and just needs time and some TLC to rejuvenate. Whether you’re brand new to growing bare roots or a seasoned vet

My bare root rose didn’t leaf out. Can I get a refund?

In order to ensure success in growing your rose, we ask you to please follow our recommended planting and storage instructions included with every order and detailed here. By following our care instructions carefully, if planted at the right time for